3.23 Cobra Lash Trickster – 24 Mil Shaper DPS! (not counting nimis) FULL build guide!

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3.23 Cobra Lash Trickster - 24 Mil Shaper DPS! (not counting nimis) FULL build guide!
3.23 Cobra Lash Trickster – 24 Mil Shaper DPS! (not counting nimis) FULL build guide!
reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/18zc5gr/323_cobra_lash_trickster_24_mil_shaper_dpsnot/
gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vYbiWD0OYzrs&t
Rage Clip: https://www.youtube.com/clip/Ugkx-q4haY_Pt9wjOiuPGRvIMz2NVhqnvI4p
POB: https://pobb.in/CvlGNbUni1U3 QUICK UPDATE NOTE: if you drop shield charge you can fit in a free Haste or purity of fire with the spectre trick aswell! https://www.youtube.com/watch?vGUdxmuCWf3U Average EHP 150k vs pinnacle! Berserk ticked cause we have INSANE uptime!

https://pobb.in/BRCSAATKswyQ MF/Assassin version POB (50% Q /332% rarity)! Thanks Raul for making this!

0:30 – 2:15 Mahuxotl Machination Tempered By War Interaction

50% ele taken as Chaos 50% ele taken as fire
NO MORE COLD/LIGHTNING (Keep in mind that this doesnt mean that you cant get shocked/frozen! (shocked ground etc)

3:20 – 13:00 Itemization

Claw: Look for empty prefix! (People think crafting /”cant be evaded is worth a 50divine premium apparently)
Helm: Its just gonna be expensive, there is no way around it. If you wanna Craft it buy fractured Base and use Essence of Envy!
Amulet: Ashes Handsdown best slot! MAKE SURE quality increase is high enough for 1 chain on Cobra lash! (whispers of doom annoint)
RingSlots: Very variable, 2 ventors for MF, 1 ventors nimis for semi MF, Death rush nimis for Hard maps
COLD AND LIGHTNING GETS FULLY CONVERTED – Keep in mind when buying ventors!
Gloves: Spell Suppress, HIGH chaos res (unless you run MB), and Strength
Belt: Arns Anguish (quant corruption) Ralakesh boots, if you want to get the best damage without Headhunter
Biscos Leash if you want best MF and run map on ADHD (gotta run 2 high rolled fire resistance ventors)
Boots: Ralakesh impatience or Goldwyrm if you wanna go full MF
Body: 2 corrupted socketed projectiles Covenant, USE BENCHCRAFT TRICK for cheap 6link! (force 4 links 50%/50% Tainted Fusing)

13:00 – 17:20 Flask Setups

Witchfire to Apply Despair
Dying Sun Next to Tincture for upkeep (and 1projectile if you have 20% flask effectiveness)
Rest is straightforward armour/Evasion and flip flasks depending on map mods
Keep in Mind that MB would run Amethyst flask for easy chaos cap!

17:20 – 19:20 normal jewels
We are heavily Int and chaos resistance starved! – Normal jewels Int Max chaos resistance
life/critmulti/currupting blood immunity

19:20 – 25:00 Unique Jewels

Balance of terror to apply wither

clarity watchers eye for mana cost
add vulnerability immunity or crit reduction (or both/flip)
add grace if you are rich
add precision flask upkeep for convenience

Search for lethal pride here: https://vilsol.github.io/timeless-jewels

look for phys as fire/ double damage on nodes you allocate
(if you run arns anguish not that important, triple damage rolls override double damage!)

25:00 – 30:45 Cluster Jewels NO MAGEBLOOD:
look for T1 chaos res on ALL small nodes!

Large: Fan of blades – Smite the weak/Fuel the fight (keep in mind that you want the 2 you allocate as prefixes!)

Medium: Follow-Through (VERY important) – Streamlined/Repeater

Small: Sublime Form ideally on a 35% increased effect mana reservation jewel –
if you can drop this suggesting Misery Everlasting for hexproof pen

31:00 – 38:00 Gem Setups

Main Setup can be run with Damage on Full Life – Less berserk sustain
Overall less reliable damage and gotta grab /”count as full life at 90%/” node

too many buttons, what do?
drop berserk, get a Chaos pen tincture instead (cannot suggest)
drop balance of terror, get wither stacks elsewhere – said in the video you can get it on small but that was hexpen! can only get it on medium, not a good solution.
drop vaal moltenshell for steelskin (if you dont run armour especially)
dont drop totem! DONT BE LAZY!

38:00 – 40:00 budget?

WITHOUT headhunter or mageblood, if you wanna do everything right,
around 250-300 Divine
I did The Buildtransition with a 100 DIVINE BUDGET and gradually upgraded!


for real budget friendly version check my gullblaster elemental setup

40:10 – 41:30 headhunter or mageblood?

Defensively/for charms and easy suppress/chaos cap – mageblood
Offensively and magicfind/juicing as hard as you can – tinctures headhunter

41:10 – 48:08 I wanna go MAX MF, what should i drop?

Dont drop Ashes!

Can drop ralakesh for Goldwyrm – get your charges elsewhere.
bloodrage for frenzy and a /”that which was taken/” for power charges, wont have endurance charges!

Run divination distilate next to rarity pen Tincture combined with petrified blood

can run 2 ventors, but will lose alot of deeps from nimis!
(very good for T7 cemetry, and is totally fine in terms of damage with a headhunter especially i already tested it)

How much MF can i get?
If you really dont care about damage run a 5% quant implicit biscos leash (would be 66% IQ and ALOT of IR!

Feel free to message me ingame if you have questions!

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